Coronavirus COVID-19
If you have any questions please call 1300 661 500
HiReach Rentals will monitor information from the Federal and State Government and continue to update this page with our response to the COVID-19 pandemic
HiReach Rentals is open and we continue to deliver our services at this stage
The health and safety of our staff, customers and suppliers is of utmost importance, so we have implemented a range of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:
Promoting good hygiene and awareness
providing staff awareness information on COVID-19, handwashing and hygiene
checking staff have not travelled, been in contact with someone who has tested positive, and are feeling well before they attend work
placing hygiene signs throught the workplace
toolbox meetings and staff notifications to regularly update employees as major developments unfold
Clean and hygienic workplace
all desks and tables, counters and handles disinfected daily
plant and machinery controls disinfected daily
workshop and vehicle surfaces disinfected daily
disinfectant, protective equipment, sanitiser and tissues available to staff
Social distancing
modifying work areas to allow 1.5m distancing at all times
limiting face to face contact with video and phone conferencing used where possible
stopping any non-essential travel
establishing alternative work from home arrangements for any staff not required on site
establishing outdoor lunch areas
Changes to the way we operate
Operational changes include:
Staff and visitors must register with the Check in QLD App/QR Code whenever they come to site
Staff and visitors must comply with the current QLD recommendations in relation to face masks
Sales team working remotely and using phone and video conferencing where possible
On road service technicians following social distancing of 1.5m and enhanced hygiene practices
Training courses are continuing to run with strict new health and safety measures for trainers and students
No unexpected visitors allowed on any sites
Work from home arrangements in place where possible
Stopping all non-essential travel
Requesting suppliers implement strict health and safety measures
More Information
HiReach Training
Coronavirus COVID-19 Information for Students
World Health Organization (WHO)
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public
Simple ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace (pdf)
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Myth busters
Australian Government
Safe Work Australia Coronaviris (COVID-19) advice for employers
Australian Skills Quality Authority COVID-19 FAQs for RTOs
What you need to know about coronavirus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
Coronavirus (COVID-19) current situation and case numbers
Queensland Government